The 3 Colors of Community

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Pride, gluttony, envy, greed, anger, sloth, lust—it‘s not enough to say “no“ to sin
How does this participant's workbook help you?
- The Communal Test will help you discover the secret to your spiritual power.
- Energy transformation will help you to utilise the energies behind the Seven Deadly Sins.
- You will discover how to build small groups that reflect the kingdom of God.
"When thinking about contributing to explosive church growth by means of a contemporary small group, probably the last thing that comes to mind is heaven and hell. “You’ve got to be kidding, Chris- tian,” a church consultant remarked when I shared my insights with him. “These are the very topics we take great care to avoid.”
“I know,” I replied. “And I am convinced that points directly to the root of the problem. We have avoided dealing with the most relevant topics—maybe because we had a fuzzy understanding of them—and have been so proud of entertaining people with a wealth of peripheral aspects of Christianity.”
The primary intention of this book is not to present techniques for running a small group. Rather, it is to lay before you that which makes up the core of Christian community. And to present it in a way that demonstrates what Christianity can, and indeed, should be—no less than a glimpse of heaven."
What's in the book?
A bookmark with a code giving you direct access to the online Communal Test (paper version of the test also included).
Chapter 1: The essence of Christian community—Why we have to address the Seven Deadly Sins...
- A small group is a group that is small
- What makes a small group holistic?
- Sin—breach of community
- Why it‘s not enough to say “no” to sin
- Christian consumers or disciples?
Chapter 2: The Seven Communal Qualities—How to address the 7 Deadly Sins...
- A path away from pride
- A path away from gluttony
- A path away from envy
- A path away from greed
- A path away from anger
- A path away from sloth
- A path away from lust
- The Communal Test: What is your greatest energy?
Chapter 3: Let the light shine—Creating community that changes lives...
- Sin as the absence of light
- Identifying the different voices within you
- Establishing more holistic groups
- Christian community—a glimpse of heaven
144 page full colour participant's workbook
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