The 3 Colors of Ministry

Would you like to help release and develop the spiritual gifts of those in your church or small group?
How does this participant's workbook help you?
- The Change Compass test will help you understand and balance the way people do ministry
- The 3 Colour Gift Test will accurately identify your gifts, even those that haven't yet had a chance to be expressed
- Practical action steps, gift explanations and frequently asked questions will get you on your way to a more fruitful life
"I hate to make promises that generate expectations which cannot be met, yet there are benefits that I CAN promise you, if you not only study, but APPLY what you read. Our research in about 70 countries and more than 45,000 churches worldwide proves that is is realistic to expect the following things to happen:
- Once you have put into practice the steps suggested in this book, you CAN expect to be a happier person. Fifty-one percent of the people who went through this book's Gift Test indicated that they were "happier" as a result. This number increased to 72 percent when the discovered gifts were applied to concrete tasks within the church.
- If you put your gifts into practice, you CAN expect to be more effective in ministry. Our research shows that there is no other isolated factor that has a stronger bearing on your "effectiveness" than living in accordance with your gifts.
- If your church puts the philosophy behind this book - we call it natural church development - into practice, it CAN expect to grow. Our studies demonstrate that gift-based ministry is one of the key elements of growing churches in China as well as in Colombia, in South Africa as well as Australia, in Russia as well as in the United States."
Christian A. Schwarz
What's in the book?
Chapter 1: What are the three colours of ministry...
- Three ways to experience God
- Three dimensions of ministry: commitment, power, wisdom
- Are you a Thomas, Martha, Mary, Moses, Peter, or a Jonah
- Your personal change compass and next steps
Chapter 2: What you should know about spiritual gifts...
- Everybody is gifted
- Mistakes are allowed
- Spiritual gifts and universal Christian responsibilities
- Quiz: What do you know about spiritual gifts?
Chapter 3: How to identify your spiritual gifts...
- 7 steps
- The Three Colour Gift Test
- Your manifest gifts
- Your latent gifts
- Understanding the results
Chapter 4: Learning to utilise your gifts...
- The Three-Colour Church
- The ministry description
- Train your gifts
- The danger of gift projection
Chapter 5: 30 spiritual gifts - backgrounds, definitions, practical tips
Chapter 6: Frequently asked questions
158 page full colour participant's workbook Download Sample
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20+ books @ 40% = $12.00 each
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(Volume discounts are based on the total number of any kind of 3 color books from this site. e.g. One copy of The 3 Colors of Ministry plus one copy of How to Study The 3 Colors of Ministry in your Small Group will attract a two book discount. Discounts will be reflected at the final stage of the checkout process.)
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